Allegheny College, Meadville, PA
Asheville Chamber Music Series, Asheville, NC
Baker University, Baldwin, KS
Beaches Fine Arts Series, Jacksonville, FL
Boise Chamber Music Series, Boise, ID
Buena Vista University, Storm Lake, IA
Buffalo Chamber Music Society, Buffalo, NY
BYU - Hawaii, Laie, HI
Cal State University - Chico, Chico, CA
Candlelight Concert Society, Columbia, MD
Capitol Civic Center, Manitowoc, WI
Carnegie Hall Corporation - Carnegie Hall, New York, NY
Carnegie Hall, Lewisburg, WV
Carthage Chamber Music Series, Kenosha, WI
Cedarhurst Chamber Music, Mt. Vernon, IL
Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts, Cerritos, CA
Chamber Music Corvallis, Corvallis, OR
Chamber Music International, New York, NY
Chamber Music Society of Bethlehem, Bethlehem, PA
Chamber Music Society of Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
Chamber Music Society of Central Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Chamber Music Society of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, MI
Chamber Music Society of Logan, Logan, UT
Chamber Music Society of Memphis, Memphis, TN
Chamber Music Society of Mobile, Mobile, AL
Chamber Music Society of Montgomery, Montgomery, AL
Chamber Music Society of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City, UT
Chamber Music Society of Utica, Utica, NY
Chamber Music Society of Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA
Chamber Music Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, Vancouver, BC
Charleston Chamber Music Society, Charleston, WV
Cleveland Chamber Music Society, Cleveland, OH
Coastal Concerts, Lewes, DL
Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
Columbus Chamber Music Society, Columbus, OH
Concert Society of Maryland, College Park, MD
Corpus Christi Chamber Music Society, Corpus Christi, TX
Davidson College, Davidson, NC
Del E. Webb Center, Wickenburg, AZ
Dumbarton Concert Series, Washington, DC
Fairbanks Concert Association, Fairbanks, AK
Feldman Chamber Music Society, Norfolk, VA
Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra, Flagstaff, AZ
Florida Southern College, Lakeland, FL
Florida State Teachers Association, Tampa, FL
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
Friends of Chamber Music, Portland, Portland, OR
Friends of Chamber Music, Troy, Troy, NY
Friends of Good Music, Olean, NY
Friends of Music at Queens College, Charlotte, NC
Friends of Music, Punta Gorda, FL
Friends of the Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH
Fullerton Friends of Music, Fullerton, CA
Great Performers at Lincoln Center, New York, NY
Hawaii Concert Society, Hilo, HI
Homer Arts Council, Homer, AK
Honolulu Chamber Music Society, Honolulu, HI
Howland Center for Chamber Music, Beacon, NY
Huntsville Chamber Music Guild, Huntsville, AL
Indian Wells Valley Concert Association, Ridgecrest, CA
International Music Program, Biarritz, France
Islip Arts Council, East Islip, NY
Kansas City Conservatory of Music, Kansas City, KS
Ka'u Concert Society, Pahala, HI
Kauai Concert Association, Lihui, Kauai, HI
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC
Kodiak Arts Council, Kodiak, AK
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts, West Palm Beach, FL
Lincoln Friends of Chamber Music, Lincoln, NE
Market Square Concerts, Harrisburg, PA
Melbourne Chamber Music Society, Melbourne, FL
Mozart Society of California, Carmel, CA
Music at Kohl Mansion, Burlingame, CA
Music For All - Community Concerts at Second, Baltimore, MD
Music in the Park, St. Paul, MN
Music Teacher's National Association Convention, Austin, TX
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Neskowin Chamber Music, Neskowin, OR
Newtown Friends of Music, Newtown, CT
Nichols State University, Thibodeax, LA
North Carolina School for the Arts, Winston-Salem, NC
Oak Ridge Civic Music Association, Oak Ridge, TN
Ohio University, Athens, OH
Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs, CA
Park City International Music Festival, Park City, UT
Peabody Conservatory, Baltimore, MD
Phillips Collection, Washington, DC
Phoenix Symphony, Phoenix, AZ
Pittsburg State University, Pittsburg, KS
Pro Musica, Joplin, MO
Quad City Arts, Rock Island, IL
Raleigh Chamber Music Guild, Raleigh, NC
Rhode Island Chamber Music Concerts, Providence, RI
Rockport Chamber Music Festival, Rockport, MA
San Antonio Chamber Music Society, San Antonio, TX
Sedona Chamber Music Festival, Sedona, AZ
Singletary Center for the Arts - University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
South Shore Music, Westport, CT
Southern Oregon University, Ashland, OR
Stanford Lively Arts, Stanford, CA
St. Mary's University, Winona, MN
Stockton Friends of Music, Stockton, CA
Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Tennessee Williams Fine Arts Center, Key West, FL
Troy Arts Council, Troy, AL
University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Little Rock, AR
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
University of Delaware, Newark, DL
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
University of Maryland, College Park, MD
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
University of Missouri - Rolla, Rolla, MO
University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS
University of St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL
University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI
Viterbo University, La Crosse, WI
Women's Musical Club of Toronto, Toronto, ON
Yale Gordon Concerts, Baltimore, MD