Presenter Letters
From Florida Southern College:
The Amadeus Trio has just completed its third highly successful engagement on our series. Each visit has resulted in overwhelming enthusiasm from both our college audience and our community season members.
Foremost among the many reasons for the Trio's appeal are its unique combination of musical artistry and "group personality," winning and sustaining the audience's confidence from the first moment onstage to the last.
In more than thirty years of concert presentation, we have found no chamber ensemble to equal the Amadeus. They thrill the veteran chamber music buffs while making new "converts" for this musical genre. And as for their master classes, they happen to be born artist teachers as well!
Robert McDonald
Director, Festival of Fine Arts
Florida Southern College
From Eastman School of Music:
I've heard unwavering praise from our patrons for the Amadeus Trio's marvelous performance on Tuesday, and faculty are relaying their students' enthusiasm for the master class, which you kindly allowed us to schedule on the very afternoon of your concert. I thought the program worked wonderfully. The extroverted and unfamiliar Cassado Trio proved a wonderful opener and prelude to Shostakovich's dark world. The Mendelssohn gave all of you a chance to shine, both as individual artists and as a trio perfectly in sync. Your spoken introductions to the pieces really worked. It's unusual to find a chamber ensemble, all of whose members are comfortable speaking from the stage. You were kind to take time to speak with audience members after the concert. The family of the violinist really appreciated the opportunity to hear about your Strad and see the instrument up close.
All in all a wonderful opening night for this year's Kilbourn Concert Series. Please accept my thanks and convey the same to your colleagues.
Andrew E. Green
Director of Concert Operations
Eastman School of Music
From the University of Missouri Concert Series:
I just wanted to express my appreciation of The Amadeus Trio's performance last Friday at Jesse Auditorium at the University of Missouri-Columbia's campus. The performance was extremely well received. We had a bigger crowd than normal for our classical shows and I had many compliments afterwards as to the quality of the performance. One patron was amazed that the group did not live and rehearse in the same city because she thought that everyone played together so well. I also appreciate you staying afterwards and greeting our patrons. I think people really enjoyed that. Not only is your group great classical performers, but you are also great entertainers.
The orchestra students at West Jr. High School in Columbia also enjoyed your outreach instruction. I think the kids really got a kick out of seeing professional artists and a million dollar violin! We also appreciated you coming in for an interview on KBIA 91.3, Columbia's NPR and Classical station. I heard several people comment on hearing you on the radio during the day.
Overall, you guys did a great job entertaining in Columbia. I truly appreciate your hard work. Please feel free to have prospective presenters contact me for a reference.
Kimberly Mouser
Assistant Director
University Concert Series
University of Missouri
From Baker University:
Thank you all so VERY much for appearing on our Artist & Lecture Series. Your performance was truly one of the major highlights of our season! Additionally, words cannot express our appreciation to you for taking the time and energy to listen and to work with our students. The individual attention that you gave is still an item of "lively conversation" among our young musicians and they are all in awe of your musicianship, artistry, and superb skills.
Susan Buehler, D.M.A., voice
Director, Artist & Lecture Series
Baker University
From a friend of Fullerton Friends of Music:
"After attending the first three concerts of your season and especially after yesterday's spectacular and breathtaking performance by The Amadeus Trio I find I must contribute to your efforts to keep music alive in Southern California..."
From Memphis Chamber Music Society
"Two weeks later and I am still remembering your beautiful concert! The Amadeus Trio played to perfection. So many in our audience said "the best ever in 10 years!" and I must agree."
Marsha Evans
Memphis Chamber Music Society
From University of Arkansas at Little Rock:
"It was wonderful to have the Amadeus Trio appear as part of Artspree this season. The concert was wonderful. Many in the audience found the Shostakovich 2nd Trio a memorable experience because of the emotion within it. Certainly the kind of ensemble and attentiveness to color and sound that all three of you bring to your playing was evident in this concert. I certainly hope that you can return to Artspree in a future season. This was your second Artspree appearance and we had almost a full house. I not only appreciate your musicianship but your keeping your fees reasonable for a modestly funded series such as ours."
Floyd Martin
Artspree Director
University of Arkansas at Little Rock