Residency Activities
In university settings The Amadeus Trio offers private lessons, individual master classes, chamber music master classes, and ensemble coachings. Additionally the trio enjoys giving presentations for music history and music appreciation classes as well as offering performances for convocations if appropriate. One of the aspects of visiting a university that the musicians enjoy most involves simply going into residence halls dressed in jeans and beginning to play for whichever students might be there! As this is not a formal concert the artists stop frequently to answer questions and discuss all aspects of their lives as musicians with the students. This often results in an audience growing from a handful of students to a crowd oftentimes in excess of 200. All of these activities are usually presented a day or two in advance of the formal concert.
Any opportunity to give newspaper, television or radio interviews is welcomed by the artists.
Because the trio believes that residency activities are an invaluable part of any visit to a community all residency activities within reason are offered for no additional fee.